At BV Oilfield Service & Supply, LLC, we pride ourselves in hiring Experienced, Seasoned Operators that take this industry seriously. Our friendly crew not only enjoy their jobs but it shows in every job BVO does for our clients. We provide excellent efficient services with little or no down time, allowing our clients to meet or beat their deadlines on each well we work. We pride ourselves in OUR EXCEPTIONAL SAFETY RECORD and being very conscious of working in a SAFE environment for everyone on the location! Our employees work together as a team, and we are all united in an effort to provide the best service the oil patch has to offer in Tubular Running Services!
If you have experience in the field of Tubular Running Services -or- in oil and gas in a similar category, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to give you an application and consideration to be a part of our outstanding team!
If you have experience in the field of Tubular Running Services -or- in oil and gas in a similar category, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to give you an application and consideration to be a part of our outstanding team!